Saturday, September 7, 2024

Unboxing the Elusive Starlight

#StarlightRare #PhotonHypernova #Starlight #YugiohUnboxing #pokemoncards #anime #yugioh #photonhypernova My name is Leon and I do card pack openings. I open various TCG products suck as Pokémon, yugioh, magic the gathering, Dragon ball super, one piece, and much more. In this video I’m opening a Yugioh photon hypernova and am trying to pull a starlight rare […]

A Video Guide to Overcoming Adversity motivation

#motivation #Lifestyle #Entrepreneur #Success #Goals #Inspiration #selfcare Abrams continues to tell his story while teaching and motivating in Frenemy 2. This is a man who knows that “Trauma doesn’t get better, people do!” In this session, Abrams will explain how experiences, even bad ones, have a purpose beyond the pain they bring. This video is […]

Tackling Procrastination Head-On Productivity and Prioritization

#Procrastination #productivity #mentalhealth #goals #habits #Motivation Procrastination is a complex issue that goes far beyond mere laziness. It’s a multi-layered problem that often stems from deep-seated fears of failure or the self-defeating desire for perfectionism. Procrastinators may struggle with their self-esteem and suffer from a deflated sense of self-worth. Lack of self-control, autonomy, and motivation […]